What Are Flexispot Desks Made Of?

Choosing a desk from Flexispot is not as easy as it seems. Mostly because they have a huge array of materials to choose from. But options only help you if you already have an idea about their characteristics. Otherwise, you keep getting swayed between functionality and cheaper price. That’s why, to help you make a well-informed decision, today we will discuss what flexispot desks are made of and which one is better for you. 

Flexispot in general offers four types of desk-top materials including- bamboo, chipboard/ MDF, laminate, and solid wood. Woods are the sturdiest and most expensive of all. But MDF is gaining huge popularity nowadays due to its bio-friendly approach.

Our goal today is to erase all your confusion regarding desk materials. We hope that after reading this article, you’ll know which material suits your demands the best. So, stay with us till the end.

What Are Flexispot Desks Made Of?

Not every desk is made of wood. Flexispot offers desks of different price ranges. And, it makes sense that each price range is justified by suitable material. So, let’s dive deeper into the material list provided by Flexispot.

1. Bamboo

Bamboo has been used to make furniture since ancient times. It was China that first mastered the art of shaping bamboo. But, in the 21st century, it’s no secret. People love using bamboo as it brings a piece of nature and calmness inside their homes. 

Why We Love It

  • Eco-friendly

Most solid woods come from trees that take 10 to 15 years to grow and mature. That’s a pretty long process. You have to pay extra for the nurturing. On the other hand, a bamboo tree becomes ready within 3 to 5 years. Imagine how quickly you can make a bamboo furniture from scratch. That’s the reason it is more eco-friendly than wood.

  • Lightweight

Apart from being super strong, bamboos are quite lightweight too. That’s why, people who want a table for heavy purposes (carrying large computers, printers, etc) prefer bamboo over any other material.

Plus, if you need a large space, using wood would be too heavy. It would be hard to ship and assemble. On the other hand, a large bamboo desk top remains comparatively lighter. Sturdiness and lightweight are difficult to find within the same material. Especially when it comes to furniture. But bamboo is an exception in this matter.

  • Aesthetic

A bamboo tabletop will bring unique aesthetics to your home office. Unlike natural solid woods, bamboos are not so dull. They come with a built-in glossy cover. It looks like you’ve applied oil on the outer layer. That plays a big role in giving you a brighter and more modern look than plain wood.

Note Flexispot says in its prospect that a new bamboo tree is planted after cutting each one. That’s their commitment to nature.

Major Drawbacks

  • Vulnerable To Moisture

 You have to keep the tabletop away from moisture. Water has the potential to warp or discolor the desk-top. Plus, if you leave the desk outside for long enough, you might notice growing molds in several portions.

2. Solid Wood

Solid wood is the first thing that comes to our mind when we think about desks. It has been the most popular material to build furniture forever. It is easy to shape and design. No doubt Flexispot offers a variety of desks made from solid wood. Here, the term “solid” indicates that the material is fully wood without any mix-up.

Why We Love It

  • Strongest

No other material can beat wood in strength. A solid wood desk easily lasts decades without much repairing. If you have heavier objects, we highly recommend choosing wood over anything else. To be on the safe side, check out how to set up more computers on a desk.

  • More Variety

When it comes to choosing wood materials, the options are endless. For example, black walnut wood and cherry wood are two of the wood options for Flexispot desks. Of course, buying a 100% wooden desk can take a toll on your pocket. That’s why Flexispot allows you to mix other materials (wood scraps) with a certain wood type if you are a little low on the budget. 

  • Vintage Vibe

If other furniture (like chairs) in your space is made of wood, we highly recommend getting a wooden table top. It meshes up well with the surroundings and doesn’t break the vintage vibe. 

Major Drawbacks

  • Expensive

Among all the other materials, wood requires the most amount of effort. It takes decades to nurture the trees. Plus, woods are significantly heavier than other materials. That makes it harder to handle both for the manufacturer and you. Learn here, how to put together a Flexispot desk.

  • Easy To Damage

Unfortunately, wood is easy to scratch or dent. Anything with sharp edges can leave a mark on the surface. However, the cracks can be easily filled with wax. That’s a relief.

3. Middle-Density Fiberboard

Now, middle-density fiberboard or MDF is not a type of wood to be true. It’s made of small wood particles. Normally, wood scraps are a common by-product when wooden furniture is made. To make use of these scraps, MDF was introduced. Here are some key benefits you receive from this newer tabletop material.

Why We Love It

  • Cheaper

Since there’s no need to grow or cut this material, the cost becomes significantly low. Wood scraps and sawdust are easily available at manufacturing factories. That’s why Flexispot can sell beautiful and large MDF desks at cheaper prices.

  • Super Lightweight

MDF materials are not heavy like solid wood. Even though wood scrapes are compressed and bound together, the weight remains lower. That’s why it is easy to handle. But the lightweight doesn’t take away from its sturdiness. Even though not as strong as solid wood, MDFs are still durable enough for daily use.

Wood scraps and other wood particles are compressed in high pressure and heat. Then, using resin these elements are sealed together. Finally, a touch of color to put a cherry on top.

  • Bio-Friendly

Switching to MDF can help the environment in general. Using the scrapes or dust of already sawed trees can help to save more trees. Plus, it’s a way to recycle wood waste more productively.

Major Drawbacks

  • Not A Real Material

Many people don’t MDFs because it’s not real material. It’s just wood scraps layered together. So, people are quite skeptical about its durability. They are not entirely wrong. because MDFs are not meant to carry extremely heavy objects in your office/home.

  • Tough To Maintain

Another problem with MDF is its sealants. As we know, a lot of sealant or glue is needed to create a block of MDF. However, the sealant can lose texture and integrity if you don’t prevent any kind of moisture build-up. Once the sealant is gone, the whole structure will fall apart. So, a maintenance routine is mandatory.

4. Laminate

There’s a lot of confusion when it comes to picking laminates over the other desk material. Some users love how pocket-friendly it is. While some are skeptical about its strength. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at its core characteristics. Then, you can decide for yourself.

Why We Love It

  • Glossy Finish

Unlike solid wood which is more “matte” laminates come with a glossy finish. It shines and looks brighter. If you think the dark wooden desks look boring, try the laminates for a more neutral look. 

Plus, laminates come in wooden print too. So, you can still have a desk that looks like “wood” but glossier.

  • Hard To Damage

Since laminates are made of synthetic material like plastic, it’s not easy to scratch. In fact, laminates are the strongest when it comes to water damage. So, you can get away with a minimum maintenance ritual periodically.

  • More Options

Are you looking for an office desk that will brighten up the whole area? Then, laminates are your best option. You see, wooden desks give off a “dull” vibe. It might not look amazing if you have a “modern” interior. 

Especially, if you have a unique color in mind, that’s hard to find in other materials. 

Major Drawbacks

  • Synthetic Material

Layers of synthetic materials are compressed together to create laminates. That’s why many people complain, “it’s not a real material but plastic.” That’s actually true. If you want a piece of something natural showcasing craftsmanship, laminates might not be for you.

Wrapping Up

Whether you are buying a standard desk or a motorized one, Flexispot allows you to pick the desk material. That’s a feature you should take advantage of. But for many people, this freedom has become a means of further confusion. That’s why we are here to help.

Throughout this article, we have tried to give you all the pros and cons of every desk material available at Flexispot. According to us, wood works best for heavier objects. On the other hand, laminates are cheaper and more colorful. And, if you don’t like the heavy weight of solid wood and synthetic elements on a laminate, go for the bamboo desks.

And, with that we are signing off. Hope you have found the article interesting.

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