Can You Buy A Pre-Built Shed?

A shed nestled in a corner of a house is becoming more and more of a reality. Every house owner is discovering the requisite of a shed. For their convenience, vendors have been manufacturing different types of sheds consistently. 

A pre-built shed is one of the most popular kinds of sheds, be it for storage, office, or the garden. You can buy a pre-built shed online or offline. A pre-built shed has lots of perks and benefits. They are rightly fit for office as well. 

If you are planning to purchase a pre-built shed, you might continue to read this article. Let’s learn together all about a pre-built shed. 

What Is A Pre-Built Shed? 

The formal name of the pre-built shed is a prefab shed or prefabricated shed. The main idea behind a pre-built shed is that instead of creating a shed from scratch on-site these pre-built sheds are created off-side, presumably at the manufacturing factory. 

A prefab or pre-built shed usually comes in components. When the shed is delivered, all you need to do is attach the components and fix them with the ground. Some sheds come with flooring, some don’t. 

However, there is no hard and fast rule that a pre-built shed must come with components. A shed can be built off-site and be delivered full intake via a special trailer. So, you can simply put the shed down on the ground and use it. Of course, there is a lot of hassle and annoyance to deliver a fully-assembled shed to your premise. 

A prefab shed can be made out of any materials that are lightweight and sturdy. Usually, wooden pre-built sheds are not seen widely. The most common material for a pre-built shed is vinyl which is an organic plastic which will are durable, sturdy, and feather-weight.

Can You Buy A Pre-Built Shed? 

You can buy a pre-built shed. Interestingly, they are so popular, you will be encouraged to purchase a pre-built shed rather than building one on-site. Buying a prefab shed deters your control over the design and texture of the shed, but not completely. 

You can buy a pre-built shed online or offline. They are so available that you will find lots of stores no matter what state you are from. You can even buy a shed from home depot. If you want to purchase online, you will find many individual contractors or company that sells pre-built sheds online. 

There are both pros and cons to ordering a shed online. You can consult with the expert without even leaving the house and navigate the whole process with your smartphone. They will prepare and deliver the shed to your doorstep. 

On the contrary, without seeing the condition of the shed factually can be a disappointment for you. There are many websites where you can design your shed for free or with some charge that can be up to $300. The designer will design the shed for you as per your desire and demands. 

Then, you can contract with your local vendor or online business to create the shed as the design suggests. Of course, the charges will rise for custom design, but you can be satisfied with your product. 

Why Should You Buy A Pre-Built Shed? 

The pre-built shed is a good choice for homeowners. Even though it has both pros and cons, I guess it is more leaning toward the pros side. If you don’t know yet whether should you buy this pre-built shed or not, let me nudge you toward the pros of the pre-built shed as well. 

1. Easy Solution

Designing, gathering materials, planning, and executing a shed may sound very adventurous and daring. However, if you are not handy with construction work or don’t have easy access to the desired materials for your shed, your project may lie on the ground with a despair of failure. 

Instead of bickering your mind, it is better to invest your energy in something more important and leave the duty of building a shed at your premise to the professionals. They will plan, design, negotiate, and lastly deliver your product. All you have to do is enjoin the components and enjoy the shed. 

2. Time-Saving 

The best perk of a pre-built shed is that you can get it delivered to your house within 24 hours, subject to no alteration and negotiation. While building a shed on site can take weeks to stand on the ground and be fully prepared for usage, a pre-built shed can be ready for duty within 48 hours. 

However, the scenario will be altered if you want to change the design wholly or partly and the manufacturer has to create your shed separately. But that will fail to serve the purpose of a pre-built shed and will be considered a custom shed. 

3. Durable, Lightweight, And Sturdy

One significant feature of a pre-built shed is that it has to be shifted to the house and assembled on the premise component by component. That is why the components must be very lightweight. 

At the same time, a shed had to be durable enough to endure any external flow or internal influence. A pre-built shed is constructed keeping all the pointers in mind. You will get a shed that may look like it will fall with a light blow, but they are strong enough to withstand heavy rainfall. 

4. No Handpicking Each Material

When you buy a pre-built shed, all you have to decide on is the material and the design. The rest of the work will be handled by the manufacturer. This is a rather easy job. A shed is not as simple as it looks. Each portion needs different materials and products. But for a pre-built shed, you are saved from choosing every item for the shed. 

5. Cost-Effective 

A pre-built shed is not the cheapest option for a shed. But they are not expensive and out of the budget either. Their moderate cost is quite bearable considering you are also saving lots of time and labor costs.  

The only cost you need to bear is the pre-built shed cost and the delivery. You don’t have to purchase each of the materials necessary to build a shed separately. Indeed, if you bought them individually, the total costs would be cheaper, however, the hassles and delivery costs of those items would be paramount. 

6. Moderate And Limited Customizing 

A pre-built shed doesn’t have to have the rigid and exact look you see in the catalog. Think of it like a wedding dress. A wedding dress is all prepared and designed beforehand. When the bride says yes to the dress, the tailor simply alters the fitting to her liking. 

Similarly, you can alter the design of your shed to your liking. You can change the position of your windows, modify the door hinges, and a few minor changes. I know a pre-built shed doesn’t give much liberty to your creative instinct, but it is always open-minded about your preference. 

7. Warranty 

When you purchase a shed from a vendor, they will certainly provide you a warranty with a shed. Normally, the warranty lasts for 10 years. You can avail of their services if any issues rise regarding your shed. The vendor must change or modify the problem area unless the problem induced was intentional. 

How Much Does It Cost To Buy A Pre-Built Shed?

There is no definitive answer to that question. A pre-built shed cost can be influenced by a host of factors.  Depending on the materials, quality, company value, and other issues, the cost is subject to change over. However, remember that expensive products don’t guarantee the best quality. Similarly, cheap products don’t guarantee longevity and durability. 

Coming to the average costs of a pre-built shed, a small one that has a dimension of 8 inches by 10 inches will cost you around $2,700 to $3,400. A medium shed that is 10 inches x 12 inches will be around $3,500 to $4,700. As for the large shed that is 10 inches by 16 inches, the shed will cost $4,500 – $6,000. 

Are A DIY Shed Kit And Pre-Built Shed Similar? 

The main idea about the DIY Shed kit and a pre-built shed is quite similar. Both come in components that, when assembled, will take the form of a shed. However, they are not certainly the same thing in concept and realization. 

Comparing them with Lego and jigsaw puzzle will be easy to demonstrate. A DIY shed kit is like a Lego. It comes with different parts and raw materials necessary to build a shed. However, the materials are usually highly marked up, and quite difficult for the laymen to figure out the procedure to build the shed.  

Meanwhile, a pre-built shed is a shed that is built off-site and delivered at your premise by components. Like a jigsaw puzzle, each of the components has its destination. All you have to do is to put it together by the direction. 

The DIY shed kit may sound promising, but people have been finding it quite hard to give the kit any shape or use the shed for a long time. On the contrary, a pre-built shed is easy to assemble. You can put all the components together and build a shed within 30 minutes. 

Final Words 

In this fast-paced world, we lost our appetite to build structures from scratch. A pre-built shed is quite pragmatic and saves our lives from lots of unnecessary trouble. You can buy a pre-built shed and save your time and energy. If you like you use the pre-built shed for an office, you can read the article How Do You Turn A Prefab Shed Into An Office? for a better understanding. 

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