Are Curved Monitors Good For Home Office?

You never know how much dedication a home office interior requires until the responsibility is on you. From rugs to chairs everything must be office-friendly and multi-functional. But do you know what is the most important element in your office?

Yeah, we are talking about the computers. After all, we sit in front of the monitor for several hours a day. To protect the eyes from dryness and other neuro-muscular diseases, experts suggest you go for a curved monitor.

That brings us to the question, are curved monitors good for the home office?

Curved monitors are considered good for your home office. Your eyes will be less strained after a busy day. The specific shape allows the whole screen to fit into your peripheral vision easily. The 3D screen helps the videos to appear larger than life.

In this article, we will talk about how curved monitors affect our work experience and whether to get it or not. If you are buying a personal computer for a remote job, keep reading this article to find all the answers.

Shall we start?

Are Curved Monitors Good For Work From Home?

Curved monitors are good for our eyes in the long run. Hence, it would be a perfect choice for your work-from-home set-up. Don’t worry, we have science to back us up.

Researchers experimented with eight men and twelve women. They were given a visual task to watch the same video on different monitors. The test included a flat, 4000R, 3000R, 2000R to finally 1000R screens. The time limit to stare into each monitor was fairly 30 minutes.

And, the result shocked everyone. Almost everyone attested that the “eye pain” was significantly higher with the flat monitor. And, the most comfortable one was the 1000R curved monitor. It tells us a lot about the sudden popularity of this feature.

Curved monitors allow our NPA (Near Point of Accommodation) to remain the same. The shape also mimics our natural eye shape. That’s why we can use our natural field of vision to see what’s going on the screen. Since we don’t have to adjust the focal point, it feels like the video is real. Our brain gets tricked because the eyes never had to adjust to the screen.

If your job demands you to prepare presentations and other animation work, a curved monitor will be a life-saver. You can sit in front of it for 5 hours straight without feeling any kind of headache.

Are Curved Monitors Better For Your Eyes?

You might already get the idea that curved monitors are better for the eyes. Here, we will dig deeper and showcase all the benefits it gives to our eyes.

Less Eye-Strain

We have already discussed this point briefly in the earlier part. But did you wonder how it works in real life?

First of all, let’s understand why flat screens can strain the eyes easily. Most office desks are designed to let you see the center of the screen as you open your eyes. However, you need to constantly move the eyeballs to focus on different sides of the screen.

It gets even worse when your job is drawing or editing something. Because you need to focus on every small detail. No doubt a full day of work will strain your eyes due to the frequent movement.

On the other hand, a curved monitor helps to fit the entire screen within your natural vision. As a result, the eyes will be able to see objects on the edges of the screen without changing their position. Isn’t that amazing?

Better Picture Quality

Any curved-monitor user will testify to this statement. The picture quality highly improves after you bend the screen slightly. But why is that? Well, more direct light can be an important factor. For example, flat screens tend to block extra light that may fall into your vision. As a result, the lights coming from the screen are your only source.

However, if you change the screen shape a bit, it will allow more direct light to fall into your eyesight. It makes the picture appear lively and bright. You feel like the device is advanced. However, all credit goes to the genius screen design.

Another important benefit is seeing the edges through your peripheral vision. It is by far the biggest reason behind an improved video experience. On the flat screens, it was tough to get the edges inside your vision without moving your eyeballs. But that’s not the case here. The bent monitors help you to focus on the center screen while fitting the edges peripherally.

That way you know what’s happening on every inch of the screen without hurting your eyes or neck. It also makes the images look bigger and real-life. Because more of that screen is within your frame now.

More Flexibility

Although the flexibility is not directly related to the screen, we can see a connection between them. Traditional flat screens might come with an adjustable frame or not. it depends on the price range and the brand. However, most curved screen devices come with top-notch flexibility. You can adjust the height according to various desk sizes.

 If you are a tall person, it would be hard to focus on the center without increasing the height of the computer. We are happy to inform you that, almost every monitor with a curved screen is also accompanied by a lot of ergonomic features to enhance your user experience.

What Are The Disadvantages?

It won’t be fair if we only show you one side of the coin. If you really want to see the picture, keep reading. We have described some solid limitations of curved monitors here. So that, you can reconsider your decision before finalizing. Are you ready?

  • The first problem is the price range. Not many companies are producing monitors with curved screens. The pioneer in this field was Samsung. Other top-notch brands have joined the team for sure. But that’s still not enough to lower the price tag and gain a competitive advantage.

So, you will be paying a higher amount of money for the same configuration and pixels. That’s a big drawback. Especially if you are on a budget, you might want to spend the money to increase the resolution and other features of the device.

  • The second limitation is difficulty to edit. Yes, we did say that a curved monitor would be great for a home office. However, there are certain tasks you should only perform on a flat screened computer. Suppose you do graphic design and want to draw a line on the computer. The straight line might seem odd due to the distorted shape. If you don’t have prior experience working on such monitors, it will give you a headache just to keep the lines straight.
  • Curved monitors are vulnerable to changing angles. You might not sit in one position all the time during work. The difference in angles affects the video quality and the amount of light falling into your vision. Certain angles allow too much direct light that glares into the screen. That’s not the case with a flat-screen. Direct light falls into the screen uniformly. So, it doesn’t matter where you sit every time.

Which Monitor Is Best For Home Office Use?

Now, we are at the most critical point of our article. We mentioned all the benefits and disadvantages of a slightly bent monitor. But, what is our final opinion? Which type of monitor works best for a home office. Well, we have divided our opinion according to different scenarios. Keep reading to get the verdict you were waiting for.

  • Do you need to spend 80% of your workday sitting in front of the monitor? That’s a fact for many people who are choosing a remote job. You might develop a condition called visual display terminal syndrome. Simply because your eyes are constantly shifting focus. That’s why you can’t see properly with the same glasses anymore.

The solution is easy. Curved monitors will reduce the stress on your eyeballs. You can see more of the screen without having to shift the focal point frequently.

  • If you want to practice editing or graphics-related work, our suggestion would be a little different. We already mentioned the difficulties of drawing in detail when the screen is not flat. You might get illusions that the line is not straight. The overall process will need more attention and experience. However, we can’t expect that from a first-timer. In case, you don’t want to experiment, stick with the traditional computers with a straight screen.
  • Now, you might be under a strict budget. We understand that. You need more stuff for your home office. It won’t be wise if you spent more money on the high-tech feature of the monitor which leads to a budget shortage. What will be the use if you don’t have enough money to buy an ergonomic chair to sit on?

We are promoting the health of your eyes and neck. However, the bigger contributor to this factor is the chair without any doubt. It has a direct impact on how your spine and upper back are going to feel for the rest of the day. So, our suggestion would be to invest in a nice chair instead. In case, you want to know more regarding how ergonomic chairs help you with posture, kindly follow our article on this topic.

  • If you are looking for aesthetics, curved monitors won’t disappoint you. The sleek design will easily enhance the overall interior of the room. It will look trendy and sophisticated. You can get all the positive attention with some extra bucks. That’s not a bad deal, right?

Wrapping Up

One bad decision can affect the comfort you feel within your customized office. It can be the wrong desk size, chair type to even a straight monitor. However, for today’s article, we stuck with whether curved monitors are good for home office or not. We tried our best to give you an elaborated answer on this issue.

If you don’t mind going over a budget, you must try the flexible and 3D screen of a curved monitor. It has some drawbacks for sure. But which product doesn’t have one? We have informed you regarding the good and the bad. And, the rest is up to you.

So, which one will you get for the home office? Let us know.

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