Can You Put A Bathroom In An Office Shed?

The whole purpose of an office shed is to separate the family life and work life altogether. But the purpose would be demolished if you need to run back to the house for every toiletry need. 

Putting a bathroom facility in the office shed is very much possible. It can save you time and increase your property value. There are some factors you must abide by before you can install a bathroom. Building a bathroom comes easily and traditionally. 

If you are settling in at your new office shed and thinking of installing a bathroom, go through this article as I am about to discuss all there is to learn about the bathroom in the shed.

Can You Put A Bathroom In An Office Shed?

A shed can be called a home inside a home. You can avail of all the facilities of home and also can keep away the hassles and troubles borne from home. But a home is not complete without a viable and clean washroom. 

Usually, a shed doesn’t come with a bathroom. But when you are using the shed as an office and spending a significant amount of time there, you must begat to consider putting a bathroom attached or adjacent to your home. 

It is very much possible to put a bathroom inside your shed. It won’t be a luxurious and large bathroom but it will be cozy and comfortable. All you need is your creative instinct and imagination. Also, a good idea of how to execute the plan. And I am here to tell you all that. 

Why Should You Put A Bathroom In An Office Shed? 

Putting a bathroom is certainly not a quick and easy task, nor it is inexpensive. Then, why should you invest your mind, energy, and money in such a thing? Well, let me tell you why. Join me and explore the advantages of having a bathroom in your office shed. 

1. Less Time-Consuming 

Time is money, the world business moves on this maxim. When you are connected to a virtual world for your business or work purposes, it is too tough to look away from the screen and waste so much time going around the house for some urinary business. 

If you could have a space just around the corner connected with your shed, you can invest more time in your work and less time on mindless traveling to the main house. You can even have a bath and wash your hands on a sink inside your shed if you have a bathroom installed. 

2. Property Value Increase 

A shed inside your property increases the property value by 30%. So, this is the unclaimed gold mine of your house. Now, imagine your hidden treasure has a little hidden treasure. You can put your real estate agent into awe. 

You can increase your property’s value by 10.5% with a half bathroom with only a toilet facility. The value will be increased to 20% if the bathroom is fully functional. Building a bathroom in your shed is not only an investment in the present but also in the future. 

3. Boost On Productivity 

How often has it happened to you that you went to the washroom for 5 minutes with your phone and kept scrolling for 20 minutes or more? If you say never, you must be lying. When you go to your house just for a quick 5-minute bathroom break, it is usually a lot longer than that. 

You might feel like a snack or lazing on your bed for a few minutes. Such small impulsive choices may seem harmless at first, but they can shake your productivity. A bathroom inside your shed can keep you away from such distractions and make you more focused. 

4. Privacy 

If your home has too many members or too less bathrooms, you might want some peace and quiet in your bathroom. As they say, the best ideas in the world are produced inside the bathroom. A secluded private bathroom will provide you with the utmost comfort and might give you some awesome ideas for your next venture. 

Which Factors You Must Keep In Mind? 

The idea of having a bathroom and executing the idea is not the same. It might make you realize that building a bathroom inside your shed might not be your cup of tea. Hence, it is very important that you consider the factors before you start executing the plans. To make your life easier, I have gathered the list you must consider. 

1. Unused Space 

Before you can move forward with your building bathroom in your office shed, you must consider whether you have enough space adjacent to your shed or not. A shed is normally 10 x 12 inches long, thus a bathroom in that sense should be at least 8 x 6 inches. 

There is no hard and fast rule about the size but it should not be closeted and clustering. So, consider where around the shed you can use the maximum space without intercepting buildings or trees. 

2. Ventilation

Maintaining a bathroom is quite a hectic job. The main issue with a bathroom is that the moisture content inside a bathroom is much higher than in a normal room. That is why you must ensure that ensure air can pass in and out so that the moisture inside the bathroom can be mitigated. 

Extra moisture can cause molding, mildew, and excessive odor. That’s why you must have at least one window in your bathroom. Make sure the window is on the side where it is not blocked by any hindrance and light and air can penetrate easily. 

3. Permit 

Local zoning laws can have different codes depending on where you live. Before you take up that project you should learn about these codes. Contact your county or contractor for the exact code and make sure you are abiding by these laws. 

If you don’t want to go through all that trouble, you can build a composting toilet. Then you won’t have to worry about the dimensions required, the license, and applying for a permit. 

4. Sewerage Line 

The sewerage line will be the most concerning matter for this bathroom. Depending on your shed’s location the cost of installation of the sewerage line will be calculated. The line must be connected to the main sewer system. 

Make sure that the lines don’t have too many turns that may block the flow. Also, it is important to mark the underground lines on the tops so that you don’t accidentally hit or leak them. If the sewer system is too far, you can consider septic tanks too. 

5. Plumbing Facility 

Like a sewer system, the plumbing facility is also a crucial part of the shed bathroom. You can connect the bathroom water line to a valve of your main water facility system. It will need some pipes underground to install but you won’t have to take a permit. However, if you want a separate plumbing system, you might need to follow the regulations code. 

Which Bathroom Is Fit For Office Shed? 

There are grossly two types of bathrooms for your shed. One is conventional way, and another is easier way. Both options have pros and cons, and we can’t dictate which one will fit for you. SO, let’s explore which option will suit best for your office shed. 

Traditional And Conventional Way 

By traditional method, I meant the usual plumbing and waste line installed and attached to the main water facility of the house. You will get water supply either from the main water facility or a septic tank. Also, you will dispose waste directly to the main disposal unit of the house. 

The advantage of this method is that you will feel like what a bathroom should feel like. You will have running water and don’t have to worry about the disposal waste. You don’t have to fetch water in alternative way and can use faucet for running water. 

The disadvantage of this way is that the trouble is infinite. You need to dig holes and fixate the lines to the main facility of the house. You need to be mindful of where you planted the pipes in the garden. Also, have to make sure that the pipes don’t have too many turns and not too far from the house. 

Composting Toilet 

No digging the hole, no fixating pipelines, no attachment with the main water facility. A simple and easy way to install a bathroom in your shed. Yes, this is possible, and you can do it too. How? Composting toilet is a revolutionary bathroom system which can caters to you all bathroom needs. 

This is a waterless method where you don’t have a water line in your bathroom. The liquid, solid, and the carbon waste inside the toilet will be compressed and composted inside the lower portion of the toilet. 

However, you must empty the compost every one month and don’t let the chamber be overfilled. This might feel a bit gross for you but at least you can be saved from lots of trouble and save bucks with this method. 

How To Build A Bathroom In Your Office Shed?

I am sure by now you have a clear idea on building a bathroom in your office shed. Now, the fun part. How to build a bathroom inside your office shed? The steps are rather easy and simple. Yet, it is best to follow to following steps to clear and swift execution. 

1. Location

Where you want to build a bathroom should be pinpointed. If you are planting pipelines, make sure the location and the house has a direct and straight connection. Also, choose a side where the office work won’t be impediment. 

2. Partition 

As you have chosen the location, now you have to add a partition. If the shed still under construction, you can add a partition in the shed to use it as a bathroom. As for the newly constructed bathroom, you can either extend the shed or build a bathroom inside a shed with a partition. 

3. Add Door 

A shed is a small place and bathroom inside that shed is much smaller. In this situation a door in the middle of a room can be a havoc. You can add a sliding door between your shed and a bathroom. You can also hang a curtain to save spaces. 

4. Add Toilet 

Now the main part. Depending on what method you are choosing, you need to add the toilet model. Make sure the model doesn’t take too much space and you can close and open the door without hitting the seat. For composting toilet, you can also keep a bucket aside with water. Also, hang the paper hold on the wall to save space.  

5. Ventilation 

Ventilation in the bathroom is very important to keep the toilet fresh and clean. Add a ventilation window on a wall where you can reach easily. Add a sliding window which you can open and shut contingent upon the weather. Add a few subtle decorations and freshener to keep the area fresher. 

Final Words 

A shed can be a small place but it creates infinity of potentials with your imagination. When you have made an entire office inside a shed, a bathroom should also be a part of that office. If you are still exploring the idea of having a shed, you can read this article Can You Buy A Pre-Built Shed? 

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